Best Devotionals to Help Prepare Your Heart for Christmas

Inside: Are you ready to get your heart prepared for advent season? Here are 10 advent devotionals for women that would make a great addition to your quiet time with God in December.

Christmas is definitely my second favorite holiday — my favorite is Easter. Every year as December gets closer I find my heart stirring for something a little different.

I like taking time to quiet my mind and focus my heart during the season of Advent. A time of waiting for the coming of the Messiah. I have fond memories of lighting candles during Sunday service at church.  But I never really did much else during that time.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve added some devotionals and bible studies to my quiet time during December. Some I use myself and others I share and work through with my boys. I thought it would be a help if I compiled a list of some favorites to share with you.

Quick Tip for Using an Advent Devotional

When it comes to working through an Advent bible study or devotional there are a few things to consider.

Don’t try to overload your bible study routine. It’s okay to set aside what you’re currently working on to work through an Advent study. If you try to do double the work you risk burning yourself out and then not spending any time in the Word. Don’t do that!

If your devotional is a little light or short and you want more try digging deeper into the scripture references and citations inside the devotional. The best devotionals will inspire you to go deeper into your studies. Don’t be content to read what someone else has to say about God’s word. To the work of finding out what it says for yourself.

One final tip: don’t turn your nose up at a children’s study or devotional. I have been surprised over the years that the books I read with my boys have the greatest impact.

Best 10 Advent Devotionals for Women

1. Jotham’s Journey by Arnold Ytreeide

This is actually a quartet of books. Each book follows a child on a journey that takes them to the location of the birth of baby Jesus. The stories are simply fantastic, full of Jewish culture and each chapter ends with a scripture + devotion + reflection questions. I read one of these every year with my boys. I think we’ve gone through the entire series 3 times already.

2. The First Songs of Christmas: A 31-Day Advent Devotional: Meditations on Luke 1 & 2 by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

My favorite thing about the Advent season is the music. Christmas carols and worship songs are my favorite. The First Songs of Christmas takes a look at the songs of Mary, Elizabeth, the angels, Zechariah, and Simeon found in the book of Luke. Taking the time to look at some of the first songs proclaiming the Good News is a great and unique way to prepare for the season.

3. Good Tidings of Great Joy: The Complete Story of Christmas from the New King James Version

Reading through the account of the birth of Jesus is a great way to prepare for Advent. If you are a KJV person this devotional will be right up your alley. Good Tidings of Great Joy will walk you through the Christmas story from both the Old and the New Testaments. There are beautiful graphics inside the book plus hymns to sing, family devotional suggestions, and even an advent calendar.

4. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: An Advent Study by Lifeway Women

Looking for something to do with a group, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel and Our Hope Has Come would be great for that. There’s a combination of video and homework that will take you through Old Testament prophecy and fulfillment in the New Testament. Each week follows the traditional Advent themes and there are activities for adults, kids, and students!

5. Peace Be Still: A 31 Day Christmas Prayer Journal by Courtney Joseph

I love Courtney’s heart for helping women dig deep into the bible. She created this Advent-focused journal to help you meditate on the truths about Jesus. There’s a daily verse focusing on one of four themes: Jesus as our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Along with prompts to help you pray through this important season.

6. Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional by Asheritah Ciuciu

If you love studying the names of Jesus as I do then this devotional will be a blessing and an encouragement. Following the weekly Advent themes- Unwrapping the Names of Jesus takes you on a journey through the pages of scripture pointing your heart toward the Messiah the entire month. And best of all there are lots of ideas for sharing this book with your children — including service projects you can do together.

7. He Is: An Advent Study on the Attributes of God by Becky Kiser

During my darkest days, I always find comfort in reminding myself of God’s character and nature. That’s what really drew me to He Is, a chance to dig deep into who God is and what that means during a season of waiting like Advent.

8. Behold! Blessed is She: Mary & Elizabeth: A Bible Study on Luke 1 by Meg Elizabeth Brown and Angie Morrison

Sometimes when you’ve studied something for a long time it gets a little stale and well, boring.  When this happens I like to look for a way to breathe new life into my bible time. This study on Mary and Elizabeth was exactly that. Getting to dig deep into the story of these 2 women brought new life and light to the story of Christmas. Don’t be put off at the thought of studying the same chapter for an entire month. It’s well worth it!

9. The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas by Ann Voskamp

Study the family tree of Jesus with Ann in The Greatest Gift. Ann takes the Jesse Tree and goes deeper — as only she can. If you’ve never learned about all the incredible people in scripture from Jesse to the birth of Jesus grab a copy for yourself this year. And there’s even a version for your kids.

10. The Women of Christmas: Experience the Season Afresh with Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna by Liz Curtis Higgs

I have been a Liz Curtis Higgs fan ever since I discovered her “Bad Girls of the Bible” series. I love how she takes people from scripture — well-known or hardly known — and tells their story. In the Women of Christmas Liz tells the accounts of Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna. This study will help you get a deeper understanding of how each of these women played important roles in the birth of Jesus.

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