15 Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Faith as an Introverted Christian Woman
As an introverted Christian woman, it can be challenging to find ways to strengthen your faith that work best for your personality.
Did you know that there are certain spiritual disciplines that are better for introverted Christian women than others? There are things that really work well with the way that God created you, and there are things that work against how God created you.
That doesn’t mean that you should ignore those things, it does make it a little more challenging for you to stay consistent with those and use that as a way to grow your faith and grow closer to God. Today I want to share with you some top spiritual disciplines that are going to help you grow your faith and build your relationship with God in a way that honors how he created you as an introverted Christian woman.
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Let’s start talking about some of the ways that you can connect with God through bible study, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines. Ones that really make sense for the introverted Christian woman, especially if you are also a highly sensitive person.
This list is not exhaustive, I’m sure there are things that I’ve left out. I chose 15 things that I could think of that have really helped me and that has helped my other friends that I know who are introverted grow their faith and connect with God. Just because it’s not on the list doesn’t mean it’s something that you shouldn’t do.
There are many, many ways to grow closer to God and to build your faith. A big part of introversion and faith is that you are a deep thinker, you’re really reflective. You are a listener and enjoy time to yourself. Keep these things in mind as you’re reading because you’re going to find little elements of that in all of these.
Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #1: Examen
The first way that I want to share with you is something called examen or evening examen. This is when you take some time at the end of your day to sit and reflect on your day. To look for where you saw God, where you experienced him, and how he showed up throughout your day.
It’s a really great and easy way to, at the end of your day, just slow down and begin to think through and examine your day to see where you saw God at work. This is a really great way to start having a kingdom perspective on your day and what’s going on.
Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #2 & 3: Solitude + Silence
The next thing is solitude, being alone and I’m not talking about isolation because this is a spiritual discipline. Solitude is about being alone with God, getting away so that you can have that uninterrupted time with God.
This a great thing to do as an introvert because deep thinkers like to reflect, to go deep, and to be alone. Solitude is great for that. Along with solitude is silence, and this can be a little tricky no matter where you fall on the personality spectrum.
It is about being quiet so that you can hear God’s voice clearly. This can be done for a long time or for a short time, depending on what your day looks like and what’s going on in your life.
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Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #4 & 5: Praying Scripture + Journaling
The next thing is praying scripture. I’ve written an entire post on this before and you can get specifics there. This is a great way to combine bible intake and prayer that allows you to go deep and process and think about scripture in a new way, is a great way to connect with God.
Journaling is also helpful for collecting your thoughts, for reflection, for slowing down, and for wrestling through things with God. Keeping a prayer journal is a great tool that you can do as well.
Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #6 & 7: Lectio Divina + Intercessory Prayer
Lectio Divina is a way to combine scripture reading with contemplative prayer in a way that really brings scripture to life. It gives you an opportunity to immerse yourself in the story of the bible and see it from different perspectives.
Intercessory prayer is great for introverts because it allows you to use those strong listening skills. Intercessory prayer is just praying for others and if you combine your deep empathy for others with this strong affinity for being a great listener, it strengthens you in this area of intercessory prayer.
Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #8 & 9: Serving + Meditation
Serving is up next. Yes, introverts can and should serve in the church. Remember, you’re really good one-on-one, and at spotting the needs that people actually need, getting to the root of the matter. Serving is a great way to connect with God by connecting with others and growing your faith.
Meditating on the word of God is an awesome way to grow your faith. This one can be a little tricky at times but Christian mediation doesn’t need to look like woo and crystals.
Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #10 & 11: Prayer Partners + Small Groups
Having some prayer partners is a great way to connect with God and, as an introvert, you’re not going to have a large group of people that you’re praying with. You might only have one or two people that you pray with consistently and that is awesome.
If you need some help with that, I also have a podcast episode all about finding prayer partners. You will do well in small groups because you’re great one-on-one. You can build relationships with a few people and get the benefit of community and fellowship. Plus, being in a small group for a Bible study or discipleship is a great way to grow your faith and grow closer to God.
Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #12 & 13: Contemplative Prayer + Studying
We talked a little about contemplative prayer when I mentioned Lectio Divina. Contemplative prayer allows you to spend time in deep thinking and deep listening. It also incorporates silence and solitude. Another thing that works really well for introverted Christian women is reading and studying. You are a deep thinker and probably enjoy digging into things and researching and learning all that you can.
Ways to Strengthen Your Faith #14 & 15: Art/Music + Worship
Worship as an introvert is one of my favorite things to do to connect with God. It feels really personal, one-on-one from you to him and it’s something that you can do on your own. It’s also something that you can do with other people.
The last thing that I want to share is incorporating art or music. There’s something about art and music that really appeals to the introverted mind. You may gravitate towards journaling, painting pictures, and music as hobbies or as part of self-care. They are all gifts from God and you can use those to grow your faith and connect with him as well.
Other Helpful Resources:
- The Real Reason You Have Struggling Faith as an Introverted Christian Woman
- 4 Ways Making Your Life Easier Will Help as an Introverted Christian Woman
- 5 Ways to Cope as an Overwhelmed Christian Empath
These 15 ways to strengthen your faith are a great fit for anyone looking to embrace a more introverted faith.
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